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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Lakeland, FL | Hanlon Law

Sex Crimes

Crimes of a sexual nature are prosecuted aggressively in the state of Florida, which makes having an experienced sex crimes defense lawyer non-negotiable. If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, or suspect you may be under investigation, contact Hanlon Law today to schedule a free consultation. 

What Are Sex Crimes?

A sex crime is, as the name suggests, a crime that involves a sexual component – usually some kind of sexual gratification for the perpetrator. There are a variety of offenses that fall under this umbrella, including (but not limited to): 

  • Lewd and Lascivious Acts: Inappropriate sexual behavior where the alleged victim is a minor (less than 16 years old)
  • Rape: Sexual intercourse in which one party has not consented explicitly, not consented implicity, or is not legally capable of giving consent (such as a minor, someone declared mentally incompetent or mentally disabled, etc)
  • Internet Sex Crimes: Sex crimes that occur electronically (“on the internet”), such as sending sexually explicit images via text, searching for and agreeing to meet up with illegal sex workers or minors for sex, etc.
  • Child Pornography: Explicit content (images, videos, etc) that depicts, intends to depict, or involves any person under the age of 18 years old.
  • Child Molestation: Inappropriate touching of a minor on their genitals, breasts, or buttocks (including over the clothing covering such areas)
  • Prostitution: Sexual acts performed for monetary compensation
  • Indecent exposure: Intentionally displaying one’s genitals in a public place (does not include breastfeeding mothers)

What are the Consequences of Sex Crimes?

With so many different crimes that can be considered sex crimes, there is no one answer to what legal repercussions you might face. Generally speaking, “lesser” crimes often involve paying a fine, performing community service, or serving probation. More serious cases could involve jail time and mandatory sex offender registration. 

What is Mandatory Sex Offender Registration?

Many sex crimes, especially those involving a minor, can result in mandatory sex offender registration. This means you will be added to a publicly-accessible list of registered sex offenders and will be required to maintain that entry. 

Your entry will include your name, physical description, crime, and other identifying information, including things like your address, your vehicle, and even your place of employment. You’ll be expected to regularly update your information, and correct any changes when they occur (like if you move or get a new car). 

Registered sex offenders are legally restricted from entering a certain radius of places where children congregate, such as schools, daycares, playgrounds, children’s hospitals, etc. The sex offender registry is also accessible to potential employers, landlords, and licensing boards, which can make many of life’s endeavors difficult in the future. 

What are the Defenses Against Sex Offenses?

Despite the rather dire potential consequences, an accusation is not a conviction. With an experienced sex crimes defense lawyer on your side, there are a variety of defenses that could help your case:

  • You’re Innocent: You were arrested by mistake, or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe the entire situation is just one big understanding.
  • Alibi: You couldn’t have committed the crime, because you were somewhere else, and we can prove it. 
  • Consent: Aside from cases involving minors and those legally unable to grant consent, some sex offenses are only actually crimes if the acts were non-consensual. 
  • Lack of Evidence: In the USA, all accused are innocent until proven guilty, and the prosecution has to show beyond a reasonable doubt that you actually committed a crime to secure a conviction. Many sex offense cases are based on the word of the alleged victim, without any harder evidence to speak of.

Lakeland Criminal Defense Lawyers 

No matter the circumstances, a sex crime is a serious accusation. Even if you feel like there’s no way you could be convicted, it’s not worth leaving such a thing up to chance. Will Hanlon with Hanlon Law has nearly twenty years of defending the accused in all kinds of situations. Our legal team will help you build an aggressive strategy to secure the best possible outcome. If you or someone you know has been charged with a sex crime in Lakeland,
contact Hanlon Law today to schedule a free consultation.

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